Where can I....
Where can I....
Find Tech Services
Tech Services is in Room 99 over by the pool. You can also contact us at (530)529-8733 or email us at support@rbhsd.org
Get Chromebook Insurance
Any students can go get insurance the student store. The cost is $30 for the year and $100 for all four years. You can look at the following form for additional information.
Find a Chromebook case?
There are a few cases available but it's important that you know what model Chromebook you have. We currently have 3 Different models in circulation.
Hp Chromebook 11 G9 EE
Characterized by a black textured shell and rubber edges. With the HP insignia in a gloss finish on the back (see picture).
You can find a basic case Here.

Acer Chromebook C871
Characterized by a matte black shell and the Acer Insignia in white on the back of the chromebook (see picture).
You can find a basic case Here.

HP Chromebook 11 G6 EE
Characterized by a grey shell and a gloss hp logo on the back (see picture).
You can find a basic case Here.

If you aren't sure which Chromebook you have, stop by or contact Tech Services and we would be glad to help! :)
How much will this damage Cost?
How much will this damage Cost?
Screen Break
$40 without insurance.
Charger Replacement
Complete Loss
If your chrombook is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair, there is a $240 replacement fee.
Subject to cost of parts.
What do I do if...
What do I do if...
I spill liquid on my chromebook?
- Turn your Chromebook off immediately.
- Unplug from your charger if you had it charging.
- Return the Chromebook to Tech Services (RM 99) ASAP.
- We may be able to repair or clean the Chromebook if you get it to us quickly.
I break my screen?
- Bring Chromebook to Tech Services (rm 99) as soon as possible.
- The repair is very quick (it usually only takes us about 10 minutes).
- A fee will be added to your account (see damages and costs).
I lost my Chromebook?
If you've lost your Chromebook, inform Tech Services immediately so that we can put the Chromebook into theft recovery. At this point, please wait a couple days to see if you can find your Chromebook or if it pops up in theft recovery. You can also pay the total loss fee ($240) at the Student Store and we will be able to provide you with a new Chromebook.
I can't remember my password?
If you can't remember your password, one of your teachers should be able to reset it for you via Classlink. You can also stop by Tech Services or give us a call and we can reset it for you.
My Chromebook isn't charging?
- The first thing you can do is inspect your charger for any damage.
- Try a different outlet.
- Check that the tail is firmly plugged in to the brick (see pictures).

- If none of these options work, please bring Chromebook to tech services so that we can address the problem and get it repaired.
I can't afford to pay the fee?
If you or your parents are unable to afford the fees from damages or loss, you can talk to Administration in the High School Main Office. Until then, there will be a fee on your profile but repairs will still be made.
Additional Questions
Additional Questions
Do I get to keep my Chromebook?
Yes, you get to hold onto your Chromebook over summer if you are Freshman-Junior. Seniors will receive access to a form near the end of the school year that will allow them to keep their Chromebook indefinitely if they'd like.