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Red Bluff Joint Union High School District

Red Bluff Joint Union High School District


Please complete the Transportation Request form if you would like your student to ride the school bus. Please note, for students in 9th - 12th grades, the walking distance is 2 miles. Please see AR 3541 Transportation Routes and Services. The bus schedules for the 2023-24 school year are posted here: Bus Schedules 2024-25 (rev. 1.15.2025)
  • Please be sure to verify the bus number and stop times.
  • Students should arrive at their designated stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. The ten-minute morning pick-up window precedes the posted stop time by 5 minutes, and extends 5 minutes thereafter.
  • Afternoon stop times may vary depending on the number of students riding the bus.
  • On minimum days, afternoon stop times will be earlier relative to the actual dismissal time.
The buses may run late the first two weeks of school. After the first week of school, buses will not service stops that are not being used by students. If a student needs to utilize a deactivated stop, the student must obtain a buss pass from the high school office and present it to the bus driver.
Please read the Parent Handbook for Student Transportation with your student. Students must follow the rules outlined in the handbook.



About Us

The Red Bluff Joint Union High School District has an enviable record of safe transportation for our bus riding students. This is due in part to the professional training school bus drivers receive to obtain their license, and the continuous training received each year to maintain their certificate. Our school bus drivers take pride in their job and work diligently to keep our students safe.
Did you know the Red Bluff JUHSD Transportation Department:
  • Serves two districts covering 2,000 square miles?
  • Employs 14 certified school bus drivers?
  • Employs 4 full time mechanics and one 5 hour mechanic to maintain a fleet of 20 school buses as well as maintains school buses for other area districts?
  • Has a registered ridership of 1,871 pupils?
  • Runs 49 home-to-school routes over a distance of 1,070 miles performing 716 stops each day?
  • Drove for 216 activity events last school year?
  • School bus drivers combined spend 3,540 minutes (59 hours) on the bus with students each day (many of whom start their day at 5:45 am)?
  • School bus drivers drive a combined 204,372 miles annually for home-to-school transportation?
These incredible statistics serve to give you an idea as to the impact that home-to-school transportation has on our students but it does not tell the story of the personal pride, care and professionalism displayed by each employee in the department as they plan, maintain and drive with the safety of the students always on their minds.
From the greetings in the morning to the salutations in the evenings, our drivers are the first and last employees that many of our students see each day and for over 40 years the Red Bluff JUHSD Transportation Department has performed these tasks without a single at fault injurious accident.